Essay (18/08)๐Ÿคต๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿป‍♀️

Marriage is no longer a top priority among youths due to changing values

Being a mother or father at a young age is not a priority for youths and neither is marriage. 

In my point of view, youths think having a career and stable finances is the main priority before starting a family. This is because, with a stable job and a big salary, they can cover their family's expenses without worries. Moreover, they can live with their dream job. When they get married, they may not need to sacrifice their time and education while pursuing their ambitions.

Apart from that, youths want to have fun and freedom in their adolescence. As we know, when they are in parenthood, they might not have time for themselves. For instance, going on dates with their best friends, travelling, camping and so on. Being parents means they need to be more responsible toward their children. Even though they have time to travel but they still need to ensure their children's safety.

 To sum up, a good marriage is not something you find but it is something you make with love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship, commitment and faith in your wife or husband. 


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