My First Love (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

 My name is Olga. Today is my first day working as a secretary at the most popular big company in Sabah. Unfortunately, I woke up late because I can not control my excitement last night. I was in a rush while I am grabbing my coffee. Suddenly, I bumped into a man and my hot coffee accidentally spilt out onto his blazer. "Oh my! I am so sorry. ", I said in a guilty voice while I am wiping his black blazer with tissues. " What is wrong with you?!", he pushes away my hand aggressively and walks away. 

"Olga,  you are so lucky to be the new secretary here.", said Rokiah. "Why?" I asked. "The one and only heir in KNVB Company is our new CEO after he finished his studies in the United Kingdom." I just nodded and did not want to continue the conversation since I have a bad morning today. 

I pat my shoulder and tell myself everything will be fine. After I comfort myself, I walk into the CEO's room to start my work as a secretary. As I enter the room, I wish the ground would open and swallow me. The new CEO is the man that I bumped this morning. "Why are you standing there? Do you want me to prepare a red carpet for you?", said Mr Khai. "Urm erk eh I, I am sorry Mr Khai. Today, you have a meeting with Mr Wang at 2 o'clock at Hotel Sutra and you have an annual dinner with F&B company." I said in an unsteady voice.  "Okay, thank you. I have work for you to do. I want you to send me a company report from 2015 until 2021. I will give you 3 days to finish it." said Mr Khai. I nodded with a forced smile because the childish CEO took his revenge on me with this task.

  The cold air smelled of dew and grass. The sun was inching its way up the sky. Finally! I finish the task that was given by Mr Khai. Since I have experience writing company reports in my previous jobs, this task seems easy for me to accomplish. "Hah, you think you can bully me? Not this time Mr Khai." I said proudly. 

I knocked on Mr Khai's room to hand in my report but only silence answered me. So, I decided to put my report on Mr Khai's table. But I was shocked and tried to manoeuvre my thoughts when I see my soft-blue handkerchief on his table. This handkerchief is unique because I used it before to wrap my high school senior wound.

To begin with, I was on my way to the canteen to buy chocolate bread. "Auch", a tall good-looking man yelps in pain. His right hand was bleeding. Without any hesitations, I used my handkerchief to stop the bleeding and bring him to a treatment room. "I accidentally scratch my right hand when I was in a store room. Thank you for helping me. I am okay now. Don't worry, Olga." he explains softly while reading my school nametag. "You should be more careful next time and get well soon," I replied. After this moment, I never meet him at school anymore.

After a moment's reflection, I still wonder why my handkerchief is on Mr Khai's table. Out of the blue, Mr Khai enters the room and he slowly approaches me. " I can't believe that you did not recognize me, Olga. I'm your senior, Khai Jonathan. I tried to return the handkerchief to you but sadly I did not have the chance because  my family send me to study abroad." "It's okay Khai. Nice to meet you again." I reply while I am still shocked. "Oh, I am sorry for teasing and being mad at you last yesterday. I did not mean to ruin your day.Hehehe." Khai apologized politely. Since that day, Khai and I become close.

On 09 August 2023, when Khai and I  enjoy watching the night sky together at Starlight Hill. He bravely confessed his feelings to me, " I love you, Olga. Since the day, I met you at high school. Your kindness makes me fall in love with you at first sight. You are also a cheerful person which attracts me to know you more. Would you like to be my wife?" "Yes!", I whispered in pleased excitement. 

After 2 years of marriage, we have been blessed with one son and one beautiful daughter. Khai and I were living in our dream house. I am grateful to be his wife because he is a loving and soft-spoken person.

                                                                                                     Written by: Alvionnie and Ristiana


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